Level 1: Competitive Advantages & Differentiating Factors


It is said that product knowledge and confidence play a similar role to sales success as granite does to the make up of the Himalayas; it is the foundation of which we build on. Being able to share product knowledge in a value based, confident and client centric way is one of the largest differentiating factors between the great sales person and the mediocre.

That is why it is so critical that we start with these Circuits. Having a great sales communication process will not matter if you do not first have the verbal fluency to quickly, naturally, and confidently (reactively or proactively) talk about your business, products, services, and differentiating factors. With this as a communication foundation we will welcome even the most challenging customers and sales situations.

The goals of this Circuit:

  • Increase awareness and confidence of products and services
  • Increased product verbal fluency and conviction in the value offered
  • Establish a communication process that improves control of the sales interaction
